Sunday, July 27, 2014

African animals.

Hello everyone. Sorry it has been a while since I've blogged. 

In the winter holidays we went to an animal reserve park and I got to go into the cage with the baby cheetah cubs. 

I've seen cheetah cubs in a movie but they were even cuter in real life.  Here is a photo of them.

We also went into the Lemur enclosure at the park. If you have seen the movie Madagascar you will know the animal I am talking about. (Click on the link below)

 "I like to move it, move it, I like to move it, move it! YOU LIKE TO MOVE IT!" They were awesome and climbed all over my head. They don't have claws though so it didn't hurt. Their hands were like spiderman hands. 

After that we went to another place and got to walk with elephants. 

They ate food out of our hands and let us touch them. 

Next time I would like to ride on one. Imagine what I would see from up that high?

I realised I never told you the answer to my riddle.  No granddad David, you didn't get it right. Although close. Good try. The answer to what is black when clean and white when dirty is................


Here is the next riddle:
How many apples can you put in an empty basket?

Sunday, June 8, 2014

My first South African Birthday Party.

Last Friday I went to Rosie's birthday Party.  Rosie is a girl in my grade and it was so nice of her to invite me because I am only new and she didn't know me very well yet.   I brought her a make your own ballerina kit. When we got there we had to put the presents on the table. There was a painting table all set up to make T shirts.

We had to pick the size T shirt we wanted, then put rubber bands around it about 20cm apart. Then we painted in between the rubber bands.  

When we took the rubber bands off, it looked like this. Do you like it?

Mum says I can use it as a Pyjama top.

After that we got a drink and some party food. There were bees all around the juice. I guess they wanted a drink too! Rosie's mum put out a dish of jam for them to eat instead. But they didn't! 

We had a donut eating race. Apparently I came 5th. The girl next to me in this photo is Georgia and she came 2nd. I liked eating the donuts and even ate one of the spares.

One of the other games was picking up mini marshmallows with chopsticks. You had to do as many as you could in a minute. I only got 6. It was tricky! Most people got over 20. You should try it.

My favourite game was pass the parcel because that is the only game I won! I got to open the last layer and it was a big block of bubble chocolate. One girl wanted it so bad she said she would pay me $15.00 for it. I said no, because it was a chocolate I hadn't tried before. 

Last of all, Rosie got to hit a kitty cat piƱata. Lots of lollies came out that I got to take home with some helium balloons to share with my brothers.

I have a riddle for you which I will tell you the answer for next post.

What is black when clean and white when dirty?

Tricky huh. Get your thinking caps on.

Love Lucy.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Little brothers.

My little brothers are called Oliver and Nathan. Some times they annoy me and I don't like them messing up my things, but other times like when Nathan laughs, they make me smile.

Today Oliver and I stayed home from school because we were sick. Oliver has a massive rash and I have got a sore throat and a bad cough.  We made a hut and for a change he got to boss me around.  I had to be his maid and get him whatever he wanted. He said he would pay me 5 Rand (which is the same as 50 cents in New Zealand)  out of his pocket money but so far he hasn't paid me a cent.

I said we should have a Topsy turvy day where you wear clothes backwards and inside out. Oliver dressed up with undies on his head, a top for pants and shoes on his hands. Mum had already told him that he looked a bit silly wearing socks with his sandals so now he looked even sillier. Just as well we weren't in a rush for school.

After the doctors we went to a playground. Nathan followed me all around the playground just to be safe. I liked it when he pushed me on the swing. He is now the strong one even through he is the tiniest.

Do you have little brothers like mine?  Tell me about them.
Love Lucy.

P.s. I have a joke to tell you.
There was once a man who was drowning in the sea. He prayed out to God and said "GOD, SAVE ME!" Then a boat came along and said "Do you need any help?"  He said "No, God will save me." Then another boat came along and said "Do you need any help?" Again he said, "No, God will save me." Then he drowns. When he got to Heaven he asked "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE ME GOD?" Then God answered, "I sent you two boats you dummy!" 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

My first month in Africa.

Hi guys,
Guess what we went to? A crocodile farm of course!  We saw lots of crocodiles. 

Some had their mouths open 

and some were swimming.  

We even got to hold this cute baby crocodile.  

Don't worry though because there was a rubber band around it's mouth.  Now I know what you are thinking, a rubber band can't be strong enough to hold a crocodile's mouth closed but it is, because funny fact, crocodiles use 120 muscles to close their mouth but only 3 to open it, so it only has to be strong enough to hold those 3 muscles.

I also had a 'Where's Wally' day on Friday at school. We had to dress up as Wally wearing red and white striped T shirt, jeans, black boots if you had them, hat and glasses.  Some kids even had a walking stick like wally.  Can you spot me in the big group photo in the newsletter by clicking here. I've give you a hint, I am no where near the back. 

It was book week so we had a fun time answering questions about books. Then we went on a walk around the school hunting for Wally stickers that the teachers had hidden. Some people won prizes but I didn't win any. 

I am starting to make friends. It is hard when you don't know anyone and are from a totally different country where they think I have a funny 'AUSTRALIAN' accent.  At least we all speak English, but I miss you all lots. Hopefully you guys will be able to write comments on this blog so it will be an easy way to keep in touch.

Until next time, God bless you.
Love Lucy.